Friday, March 16, 2012

Memory Quilt

Background, heart and hangers: Scrapbook Graphics Studio Girls, Heart First (The Digi Files 39); Title: SMG Halloween Alpha (recoloured); Font: Segoe Script.

I couldn't bring myself to get rid of some of my/our favourite t-shirts and when I did a sort through to make room for some new arrivals after Christmas I suddenly found I had 28 to work with. I ironed on lightweight interfacing and cut out 30cm squares, pieced them together and sewed them onto an old doona cover.  Yes, it's technically a quilt cover, rather than a quilt - that was more within my skillset and probably more practical for frequent washing for my boy.  I am really, really pleased with how it turned out.

Last month I happened upon this blog - about a family that has had so much to bear - and saw this beautiful quilt made with love (and t-shirts) for them. I hope it brings them comfort for many years to come.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The wisdom of Sun Tzu

Template: One Little Bird, Flight Plan 13; (most) Papers and Elements: Girl Boheme Studios (Amie Harrison), The Orient freebie kit; Brad and one paper: Anna Aspnes, Art Play Palette Ablaze (The Digi Files 35); Title font: CK Ali's Writing; Sun Tsu:, Alpha Red; Journaling font: Ebrima; Photo Mask: Suddenly Artistic Designs, Grungy Masks - Vol 1.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Credits: Template: Sabrina's Creations - Love Is (The Digi Files 38), Title: Paula Kesselring - Speech (TDF 37), Pool: Lorie Davison - Don't Eat Worms World Preview Freebie, Heart and Flair (used as brad): The Hidden Heart - So Cool (TDF 38).

This is the story of boy who could, but didn't think he could, but did.