I've come up with my "To Do" list for 2011 - a list of creative projects I want/need to do. I've put it over on the side bar to formalise my commitment to completing them.
I'm trying hard not to be concerned that a couple of them relate to 2009 projects that aren't quite done yet. A little focused work and I can get them done. I really can.
I know that it will be great to have our Year in Review photobooks finished and printed, the others are such fun to look at and reminisce. 2009 is hard because we did so much between May and September that it's difficult to narrow the photos down, but it has to be done.
The 2009 Project 365 is just the opposite because after we got home in September I simply wasn't taking as many photos. Still, there are plenty of photos just sitting on the hard drive for that period so I'm sure I can come up with enough to make a full set and complete the recording of what was a really great year.
With so many outstanding projects I'm wondering at little at my enthusiasm to start a new one, but that's just what I'm doing. "A Year of Weekends" was a project Peppermint Granberg did for 2010 and when I heard about it I thought it sounded like a great idea. Mark has always said that getting a two-day holiday each and every week is something that you need to make the most of. As a family we try to pack a lot into each weekend and that's one of the reasons we go camping so much throughout the year.
Besides, my thinking is that I take most of my photos during the weekends anyway so I won't have to stretch too much to capture all that weekend living. A post a week for 2011 - how hard can it be? I've started a new blog to keep it all tidy, in my mind at least. You'll find it over here. One down - 51 weekends of fun to go!