Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Out of contact

Our computer is unwell, in fact it has no pulse at all. It remains to be seen if resurrection is possible. So no email, no scrapping, no Age of Empires - our family is talking to each other!
Wish us luck!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Water Boy

Perfect words for this picture don't you think?
Credits: Elegant Word Art by Bethany

Bright Future

This photo was taken at childcare in 2006. I love that you can see the photographer in reflection (Lizzie or Ruthie I think).
Credits: Paper: Vicki Stegall Designs - Just Breathe, Stick-em arrow note: Kim B's Designs, Dymo letters and folded edge: Gunhild Storeide, Word Art: Elegant Word Art by Bethany

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Crikey, I'm a Soccer Mum!

It's started, my boy's a sportsman. It's a great team. They might score next week ;-)

Credits: Template: MadebyMitzie, Paper: Ana Amorim - Spring Fever

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Family Photos - again

Here's that photo again, plus the others in the series. Mark took all these.
Credits: Template: Kellie Puddy,, Paper: June Schutrups (Cen's Stuff) - Wash Day, Word Art: Elegant Word Art by Bethany.